As a pioneer in the development, construction and operation of solar systems, I am particularly committed to sustainable operations in my capacity as the owner of our office. In my role as the cofounder and managing director of ENERGIEBISS, I initiated the construction of the first grid-connected in systems in Berlin in 1989, overseeing their installation.

Then, 15 years later following the adoption of the Renewable Energies Act, I gained the opportunity as managing director and cofounder of GEOSOL of assuming responsibility for executing what at the time was the world’s largest free-field photovoltaic farm. This was an exceedingly interesting challenge in what were incredibly dynamic times for the photovoltaics industry.
Today, it is important to preserve the spirit generated by these pioneering efforts in the implementation of current and future projects and to continue striving relentlessly for high quality standards in the execution of future projects even though the technology today is no longer seen as being spectacularly innovative in the same way as it was 30 years ago.
I am committed to the systematic observance of proven quality standards in the interests of the sustainable development of photovoltaics projects. In particular, I am devoting my attention to ensuring that our first, now rather antiquated systems will continue to operate for as long as possible.